The weather’s been so nice hear in Toronto lately that it’s almost felt like spring!
My husband and I just got back in from taking our Labrador Retriever puppy out for a walk around the neighborhood. Now it’s only 1 Celsius out, just about freezing – but there’s no wind at all and it felt much warmer to me than it really was. We had quite and enjoyable walk!
Earlier today my husband went outside and raked up all the leaves that have blown into our back garden and front yard. The garden beds now have an extra inch or so of leaves covering them to give them a bit of winter protection when it turns cold again. Surely it will be cold again soon! I think we’re expecting snow tomorrow in fact. Although the weather is supposed to be around freezing or just above all week so more than likely any snow that falls will melt rather quickly.
And here I thought we were going to have a brutal winter! Perhaps I shouldn’t speak too soon.
How is winter in your area? Is your garden buried under snow or are you having spring like conditions?