Wordless Wednesday
This lovely rose is an Iceberg.
It’s a hardy shrub that, in this area, seems to only grow to about four feet tall by 3 feet wide.
It blooms several times each season. Each time there are multiple flowers that each last for a few days.
Iceberg doesn’t have much scent. Not for me anyway …. but it’s a lovely rose.
This is a a stunning rose. It’s classic and natural. So many roses these days look engineered for perfection. I prefer roses such as this one! Beautiful shot.
Great blog! Found through WW links. Have a great day.
Simply stunning…..
Hungarian Proverb: ” You can’t be a bad person, if you like flowers”.
HAppy WW!
Oh thats pretty flower nice one here.
very pretty. I love white flowers.
Any white flower I absolutely love!