My garden is still blanketed in a heavy coat of snow. There’s perhaps two or two and a half feet of snow across my whole backyard including the garden beds. I’m actually happy about that.
Why? Well most winters around here it snows a little bit and then it warms up, the snow melts, then it gets really cold and my poor little plants are left to bare the cold naked without any cover. Well baring any leaves that we might have piled onto the beds in the fall.
Now underneath all that snow my plants are hibernating. They’re insulated from the freezing winter winds.
I’m sure it won’t last much longer. We’re bound to get some warmer weather soon and with luck it will just keep warming up.
Some of the first flowers to emerge when the snow melts away will be the Crocus’. They’re beautiful spring flowers. I love how they open in the sun and as the afternoon goes by and the sun loses it’s strength each flower slowly closes until it’s petals touch. Crocus blooms will last for about five or so days, opening and closing each day.
As much as I hate all the snow we have I know it’s there for a reason. It’s protecting my garden. Soon though, it will be time for those first flowers of spring.
Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information. GTS participants remember to check in at As the Garden Grows each week so that we’ll know you made a new post!
It’s been awhile since I posted an official GTS post – But today I decided it was time to get back to it….
Snow – What a concept. It’s spring big time here!
Yes, that snow is a blessing. But I wish spring would hurry up. My GTS is up today.
As much as I’ve been cursing the snow I have to admit it’s been a blessing. Temps are still hovering around zero at night and without that protective blanket I’d be facing some major losses.
We have about 4 feet of snow – more like an ice pak covered with snow – can’t wait for spring!
I don’t envy your winters, but would trade summer with you anytime! I don’t know which is worse, endless snow or endless heat!
Happy GTS,
I agree with Aiyana. Too hot for too long in the deep south.
guppyman glad to have you back. I envy you your “no snow”, but as I said it does come in handy when it’s absolutely freezing out! LOL It’s great protection for the plants.
Wiseacre – exactly. Usually winters here aren’t this cold nor do we have that much snow, but this years been extremely cold – like -30 celsius (I think that’s -10 F or so) with the windchill and if we didn’t have the snow cover I’d lose a ton of plants.
Last year we didn’t have much snow and either January or February was extremely cold and I hadn’t done as much winter protection for my plants as I normally do so I ended up losing at least five roses and a few other plants.
I was heart broken.
JVT I can’t reach your site. I don’t know if the spelling of your site is wrong in the url or if blogger is down or what. BTW don’t put www in blogspot urls as it usually doesn’t work …ah just got it to work .. you were missing the period before blogspot.
I’m anxious for spring too!
KML yes we have a lot of snow too and there’s an icy layer in there as well. We must have experienced the same weather. LOL At least it’s protecting the plants right?
Only another month until Spring arrives and if we’re lucky March won’t be so bad … I hope!
Aiyana normally we don’t have this much snow at all. If we do get snow it often melts away the same day or within a few days.
Our summers aren’t as hot as yours (80 to 90 F), but it’s often extremely humid which makes it feel so much hotter. I enjoy something about all of our seasons, but I think Spring, fall and early summer are my favs.
I’m not sure I’d love your summers either, but I’m pretty sure I could handle your winters!
Richard yes I’m glad it’s only really really hot here for about three months rather than 6 months or longer. Good to see you doing more GTS posts.
GTS’ers don’t forget that we talked about checking in here each week when you have a new post up!
I have two other GTS posts. One is at Tricia’s Musings http://www.feverishthoughts.com/2008/02/24/only-a-month-or-so-more-till-spring/ and the other is at You are in My world now – http://blog.triciaswaterdragon.com/2008/02/24/all-kinds-of-tulips/
I hope you’re all having a great Sunday!
I love how you caught the sunlight on the crocus!
Ahh the snow. Tho I always put some winter protection up, this year we lost our who garden to a major ice storm. My wife was heartbroken for days after the thaw.
Some of the plants are confused, they sprung up earlier thatn usual but that’s nice really…
I like Spring the most too though the pollen that comes with it makes me allergic.
Oh i really love spring. Flowers and all plants bloom and our yard become green again. I love your flowers its pretty. I miss my home. My entry this week is ready.
Snow protecting your garden? well I never though of it like that, you have an interesting perspective!
I have had to go for just lilies. They seem to be the only plant that survives in my garden. I lost all my pots this year due to frost (even though covered) so I’m going to just try ‘in the ground’ plants this year as they survived well