Many of the people visiting this site are not only gardeners and gardener wannabe’s, but also website owners. Some of you might blog on free platforms like bloggers, however eventually, many website owners move their sites to their own domains where they will be able to have more control over the look and function of their site.
Unfortunately, when you decide to take that big step and purchase a domain you also need to find a reputable web hosting company. If you don’t know someone with a lot of experience in such matters you might find it difficult to find the perfect web host and get started.
Luckily for any of you who might be thinking of starting a gardening blog or some other type of website, whether personal or commercial, Kaushal Sheth has taken the time to write an article listing what he feels is possibly the best web hosting company to put your trust in.
Now some of you might remember that I had major web hosting problems last year. Not only did I lose my host and had to scramble to get a new one, but it happened to me twice! This was because my sites were apparently using too much of the web hosting servers memory (CPU usage). Heavy plugins used on sites and other scripts can cause major problems with web hosts.
In his article, Kaushal discusses what he feels are his top three favorite web hosts. He explains why he moved his website to the first host on his list.
Of the three web hosting companies that he lists – Host Monster, Host Gator and Yahoo Host, I’ve only tried Host Gator. In fact they are my current web hosting company. I’ve been using them since July of 2007 and I haven’t had one single problem. Believe me that’s a huge relief after all the trouble I went through with two different hosts between February and early July last year!
If you’ve been looking for a good web host or know of another good one to add to his list why don’t you drop by and say hello to Kaushal and read his article? Oh and if you happen to be a blogger take a look at his theme and template sections. He’s got some great template listings.
I am really in favor of yahoo web hosting . They provide some great features . I have tried another web hosting also . But personally yahoo web hosting works best for me . I have also created one lens on yahoo web hosting . Hey , by the way , nice blog my friend .
I tried the free hosting at but the more posts I made the more I thought of how little control I had.
I have done some dumb things through the learning process that have cost me and I didn’t want to wake up one morning to find my blogger account disabled so I started buying domains and eventually moved pretty much everything from blogger.
I tried a couple of hosting services and have been happy with them except for one and that one just happens to have my gardening site on it.
I get plenty of down time and timeouts but I have not been able to transfer the domain. I even had one of my other hosting account owners give it a try and they couldn’t move it either.
I use HostGator for my websites now and have not had any negative experiences.
I have purchased a new domain for my garden site and I am moving the post from the old site to the new site and redirecting from the old page.
Eventually I should have all the posts transferred and then I can drop that hosting account.
Since I been blogging for sometime only,I really find the most need of good hosting that seriously effect the flow of traffic and business. So I think good web hosts are not something to pass by. The Good business will always deals with where it has been held. So Hosting is like a shop for a website where it is placed. Money is not matter, the Quality is matter.
HostGator is one of the reputed hosting company and I have been using it for long time and there are also other hosting companies that provides some quality service.