Wordless Wednesday
Well it’s finally warming up here in Toronto a bit and the snow has begun to melt. In fact I’d say it’s about half gone. Yeah!!!!
I figured I’d better post this funny snowy branch photo now while there’s still some snow left around here. I never realized that snow could be like clouds as in the way you can sometimes see familiar shapes in clouds. Certainly this branch looks like it’s got a polar bear resting on it, doesn’t it?
hahaha! nice one!
How’d you do that?
It’s great! I actually thought it was a stuffed toy.
it is wonderful, except for the snow part…how do you deal with winter?
it really looks like a baby polar bear resting on this branch after having a nice meal
Very nice!
Wow, that looks exactly like a bear! Incredible.
The branch doesn’t look thick enough to support the weight of the snow-bear.
Now that’s a cool shot, no pun intended.
I have been watching the snow in our backyard. I have a pole in the backyard garden that I have been watching.
The other day I noticed that some snow had melted but yesterday the snow went down 6 inches.
We still have more than a foot of snow left in the yard at the lowest point but it’s an exciting time and even though it’s a windchill right now of -13 celcius I know it’s on the way out and I can start our first backyard garden.
It sure is hard waiting.
So funny! Thanks for introducing us to this bear!
Too cute. Thanks for sharing this whimsical photo.
Now that is too cute! You should be able to submit that to a magazine or something. At the least submit it to Digg. Matter of fact, I think I will…