Welcome to all the new Green Thumb Sunday members that I finally got around to adding yesterday! I hope you enjoy our little group.
Earlier this week I went out into the garden with my camera and I took a number of great photos of the plants that were blooming and new ones that were growing, but I’ve had such a busy week I didn’t get around to transferring them from my camera to my computer yet. That’s the trouble with photos, especially if you take a lot of them at once – it takes time to prepare them for posting.
Anyway … I do have some photos to share that I took two weeks ago. Just imagine the plants being bigger or having more leaves now.
This is the Climbing Iceberg Rose that I bought last summer to replace Antique ’89. Antique ’89 must have had too much winter damage in 2007 and died in late spring. Well as you can see Climbing iceberg is doing great:
This rose is over 4 feet high already and I’m sure it will only get bigger in the next month. I have a standard iceberg rose shrub at the front of the house and once it gets going it’s covered in blooms all season so I expect that the climbing version will do the same.
I had replaced a few roses last year and all of the replacements seem to be doing well. The majority of the established roses (2 to 5 years in the ground) all have long green stems and seem to be ahead of themselves in growth compared to other years.
The Astilbe is also growing well. I have several clumps of it in shady areas of my garden. I think I’m currently growing three different types.
Basically everything in my garden seems to be doing well this year with the exception of one rose – Dr. J H Nicholas – it’s struggling. Hopefully it makes it, but if it doesn’t I guess I’ll just replace it with a hardier rose.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there.
Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information. GTS participants remember to check in at As the Garden Grows each week so that we’ll know you made a new post!
It certainly looks like your Climbing Iceberg is doing well. We haven’t got any roses in the garden… Maybe I should do something about that!
I know you have to be happy that spring is finally here. I love the Climbing Iceberg.
Happy mother’s day to all readers and Green Thumb Sunday participants
This year does seem “greener” to me also. It might have just been a long winter and I’m so happy to see everything now growing well.
Looking for more Astilbes? Try the ‘Vision’ varieties. The purple and reds are really vibrant colors.
Tricia, are the Iceberg roses white? I’m just learning about roses (we have a few different bushes) and I’m curious
I’m glad your plants and flowers are doing so well! Mine seem to be flourishing this year, too.
Deb yes Iceberg roses are white. Here’s a link to a photo of my standard Iceberg rose:
It’s a fairly hardy plant, easy to care for and resistant to most things that bother roses although mine will occasionally get a bit of powdery mildew (spray with a mix of water and baking soda to cure). I’m hoping that the climbing version of this rose does as well.
Wiseacre I’ll have to look for the Vision variety of Astilbe. The ones I have are hot pink and the other is white.
Nikki-Ann Roses can be addictive once you start buying them for your garden! If you do decide to get some for your garden look for ones that are easy maintenance and disease resistant and if you’re in a cold area I’ve found that buying roses that are hardy to at least one gardening zone lower than the one I’m in works best … the ones that are supposed to be hardy to my zone (5b) almost always need extra winter protection here.
Your roses are a lot bigger then mine.
Have a wonderful mothers day.
Mine is up
There is lots blooming or beginning to bloom in my garden for GTS. Stop by
The Gardener Side for a visit soon.
Wow, I’ve never heard of that kind of iceberg, but I must say that I prefer this one
Very lovely spring fresh green and it does sounds great with all the blooming!!!
Finally I’m slowly back again to more normal blogging (sorry for being away for such a time), but both traveling and my Mom’s passing away has taken up all my time.
This reminds me that I need to give my rose some room to climb. I have chives and tulips blooming at min hus.
I recently went on a garden tour in Jerome AZ, and saw two huge climbing roses, well over 8 ft. tall and completely covering a arbor. One was Joseph’s Coat and the other, Golden Showers. I’m starting to crave a climbing rose, now that I’ve got back into growing a few roses again after many years. I hope you’ll post photos when the roses bloom. Happy GTS,
I like the new look!
We have liked Iceberg roses for a long time. They are pretty dependable roses. The new look is great!
Your roses look great! I have three myself..two are just starting to leaf out but the third is huge and full of buds-can’t wait til it blooms!
They look great! I’d look forward to see your roses bloom! We never had roses in our garden. But it is one of my favorite flowers. Happy Sunday!
Your roses is farther then mine but mine is doing better this year then most.
Mine is up now