I had a little bit of a surprise this year garden wise. You see there were some plants that I thought had died last year or the year before as they never came up in the spring. Well this year, after our long snowy winter I got a surprise … the Oriental Poppy in my front flower bed started growing again after at least two years absence.
The flowers were huge and they were on stocks that seemed to be much longer than I remember them being in the past. I guess my poppy had a good rest.
I also have some daylilies coming up in the front that I haven’t seen for a two or three years. The front flower bed tends to be dry and I think there’s lots of roots in it from the huge maple tree in my neighbors yard, but as I said we had a very snowy winter and I believe all that moisture must have helped bring some dormant plants back to life again.
The backyard is alive with roses! I took some photos yesterday but I haven’t had time to transfer them to my computer yet. I’ll post them in a day or two though. My yard is almost gawdy now that there are so many roses blooming.
The chives are just about done blooming, but while they were in their prime I managed to take a photo on an industrious bumble bee collecting pollen from the chive flowers.
Is your garden full of blooms right now too?
Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information. GTS participants remember to check in at As the Garden Grows each week so that we’ll know you made a new post!
That’s great to have surprises like that. I thought I’d lost a white bleeding heart because I planted it in late spring, then it disappeared. Gardening duh, they disappear after they bloom, and pop right up in the spring! Our roses are just kicking into gear, too.
MOther Nature was saving some surprises for you – glad they are all doing well. They are beautiful!
How lovely to find plants you thought were gone from the garden.
I have my GTS post up about sage on
The Gardener Side
I’m up and ready to look whats going in others gardens.
It’s amazing what plants can deal with and still survive. My mom keeps insisting that all of the trees in our yard are dead. I keep checking on them and they still have green, just no leaves. Eventually they will start to catch on and should be okay.
Our Oriental Poppies are just coming out now. They seem so fragile and are just wonderful to view.
I love it when a plant pops up after a couple of years. That happens a lot with wildflowers. Nothing going on in my garden, too darn hot at 117!
We’re still working on blooms in our yard! We do have chives though. They were a wonderful surprise. These are beautiful pictures.
Your garden must look beautiful.
Those are beautiful! What a lovely surprise. I wonder what made them go dormant for so long?
The color of the first orange flow is amazing!
What kind of flower is that?
It’s always a great surprise when something you thought was lost reappears. Most of our blooms have succumbed to the heat now, as the temperature is passing the 100 degree mark regularly.
I had no idea chive blossoms were so pretty! Mine is baby berries for this GTS.
Chives are great. I just planted some along with a a few other items on Friday. That Oriental Poppy is quite beautiful though. I have my post up this morning as well.
By the way, your site seems to be loading much faster the last couple of times I have stopped by than it was for several months.
Chives are great indeed. Over the years I’ve added more and more herbs to my garden. My favorite though is clearly the basil, just because it grows so easily and it’s so easy to just go outside and grab a few leaves. My parsley, though, never looks good. My mint plant always looks great (thirsty thing!), though I rarely eat from it.
Those are beautiful! What a lovely surprise. I wonder what made them go dormant for so long?