I’m nuts about roses. I certainly have enough of them growing in my garden to support that statement! I have 60+ rose bushes!
Other than caring for roses and looking at their lovely blooms the next best thing for me is taking pictures of them. Especially ones like the photo above. Isn’t that rose just delicious?
This is one of my new roses. Remember I lost several roses last winter (2006/2007)? It was a cold winter here, but we had very little snow cover that year so the roses and some of my other plants took a beating and some of them had far too much winter damage to survive.
So ….
I replaced the dead roses with five new ones. The rose above is called Climbing Westerland. I planted it around the end of June last year and to the best of my knowledge it didn’t bloom last year at all. Surely I couldn’t have missed huge tangerine blooms like that?
I’m certain I couldn’t have … so lets say these are it’s first blooms for me. What a show!
The blooms are quite large, semi double, fragrant and simply gorgeous.
I certainly like my new rose friend. Do you?
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I live in a condo so can’t have roses. So I’ll live vicariously through you
I played.
I really like roses as well but I haven’t gone wild, yet. We have only started so give me a few years to catch up.
Before I was married I used to work for Sear and in the summer I would work in the garden department. That is where I met our lawyer.
She wasn’t our lawyer at the time but after she bought roses and came back for more a few times, giving me a chance to know her and her dad I was convinced she was to be our lawyer.
That was 26 years ago now and she is still our lawyer and we love her. She is still a nut for roses.
Oh your roses are just beautiful- and to think I get excited at one little bud in my Arizona garden!
that is a great color! I love salmon/tangerine/peachy colors. my roses are blooming, too. I have one up for my GTS post!
I love roses but I went for a Calla Lily theme this week
I’m super pleased with my photos, come have a look?
GTS is finally posted.
Lovely Rose!
That’s so many rose bushes. It would look so beautiful when they bloom. Happy Sunday!
That’s a beautiful rose. I’ve got my shrimp plant up myself.