In the middle of July (July 14th to be exact) I decide to take a couple of shots of the backyard, front yard and my planted boulevard garden. Would you like to see what my garden looks like this year?
Here’s a shot of the backyard:
It’s not the best shot. We had our patio table umbrella down due to all the rain storms we’ve been having. Our table gets tipsy in the high winds and I don’t feel like going through the pain and expense of having to replace the table glass if it falls, so no umbrella in bad weather! The green tube on the table chairs is for collecting rain run off from the rain spout so that the area closest to the house doesn’t get flooded in a heavy downpour.
The tall tree on the left – well the tallest in our garden – is the Rose of Sharon tree. It’s in full bloom at this very moment, but two weeks ago when I took the picture it was only just starting to develop buds. It’s blooming a little early this year. I’ll get some pictures of it soon!
My box turtles are enjoying a daily snack on the flowers. They are edible. If you have a Rose of Sharon or a Hibiscus bush you might even want to try using the flowers in a salad or as a garnish.
There are a large number of plants in those flower beds! The main plants are of course roses, lavender, salvia, hostas, clematis, balloon flowers and annuals such as petunias and portulaca’s. If you’d like to see a not quite up to date list of all the plants we’re growing in our back, front and boulevard gardens have a peek at my What’s Growing page.
Just click on any of the pictures for a larger view.
I’m pleased with how my front yard is looking so far this year. Our Lab puppy, Midnight, did a lot of damage to the grass in the early spring so we’ve tried to keep her off our tiny front long over the last two months and the grass has been growing back nicely. We helped it out my reseeding of course.
Our puppy still tries to bite at the roses, grasses and some of the other plants in the front flower beds as she walks by, but mostly she just sniffs at the plants. It’s quite funny to see her smelling a rose. I think she likes them! At least if she ever tries to eat a rose I know they are non toxic!
The front boulevard is coming along nicely. I don’t know if you remember my earlier posts about cleaning up the boulevard garden in the spring. We had to remove thick sunflower stalks and lots of weeds before I could plant some new plants this year. It was a mess! It’s nice and tidy now!
The sunflowers are beginning to bloom as are the pink Dahlia, daylilies, malva and gayfeather. Cosmos have come up this year as well. I haven’t planted cosmos there for at least three years and they were absent the last two, but I guess there were still some viable seeds in the ground and they decided to grow this year so there are cosmo plants scattered among the main plants and they are beginning to bloom now as well.
I have Marigolds and Alyssum planted along the edge of the boulevard and we’ve trained a few Morning Glory vines to grow around the No Parking sign that mars my boulevard garden. Our neighbors seems to enjoy our planted boulevard quite a bit.
Overall I’m quite pleased with how well my garden is doing this year. It’s been fairly hot this month, yet we’ve had a record amount of rain (and storms!), so the plants are getting lots of water, free nitrogen in the air from all the lightening storms and some good heat to get growing. I actually think I’ve only watered the garden twice this month. Yay! I’m saving money on water too!
I think I’ll make up some of my famous Alfalfa tea later today and let it brew for a week or so. The garden has been doing so well I haven’t thought of using my secret sauce (great organic fertilizer that alfalfa tea is!) on it yet this year, but at least one dose won’t hurt it at all.
How is your garden doing so far this summer? Has the weather been good for it? Have you been getting a lot of rain and like us haven’t had to water much?
Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information. GTS participants remember to check in at As the Garden Grows each week so that we’ll know you made a new post!
I have some successes and some failures at my place. We have had 1/2 inch of rain in the past 30 days, but that is normal for Utah, so I can’t complain. I WILL complain about the heat – over 90 every day for weeks, and I am tired of it! I would appreciate 80’s … but my GTS post is up, stop by and take a look, please!
Lovely tour- I really like the idea of planting the boulevard area! Mine is full of huge weeds right now due to our recent storms but you’ve got me thinking maybe I should do more than just remove the weeds and plant something beautiful there! I can already hear my son groaning- he thinks I’ve gone a little nuts with all the green thumb stuff! Mine is up as well!
Lovely garden. My post is up too.
Your backyard looks so cozy!
Good job!
I played too
Wow, great post. I would love to have such a great Rose of Sharon tree in my yard.
My post is up, too.
Wow, your place looks great! I miss having a yard, I’m in an apartment now
The photos are great!
What a lovely lush garden you have – I am envious of the look but not the hard work it takes! LOL My neighbours cat stops to smell various plants in my garden but she’s camera shy
My post is up – one of my own plants this time 
Great post and images.
I talk a long walk pretty much everyday and look at the flower and vegetable gardens around our area.
I see that a few people here grow flowers between the sidewalk and the curb just like you do. We haven’t do that yet because we have huge maple trees growing there and their roots are pretty close to the surface making it almost impossible to dig.
The more I see these lovely patches of colour the more I want it for myself and your little road side flower bed looks awesome.
Wow it looks great, keep up the good work and keep us posted.
I don’t make a practice of leaving links in comments but I can’t resist showing you my garden. A few months ago we filled in our swimming pool, and this is the result.
Really looking cool.Most liked one is the picture with that black doggy.