As with just about anything you do around the home or in the workplace, it’s important to practice gardening safety when you garden. There’d be nothing worse than seriously injuring yourself while you’re gardening and then ending up being unable to maintain your lovely garden.
Health Precautions
Since one aspect of gardening is digging in the earth, possibly working with thorny plants (roses anyone?) and sometimes working with tools that have a little rust on them it’s important to make sure that your Tetanus shots are up to date. Most people only require a Tetanus booster every ten years, but if you are an avid gardener your doctor might recommend that you get booster shots a little more frequently.
You can get some nasty infections from the fungus on rose thorns or the bacteria in your garden soil so if you are working in the garden and end up getting slivers or thorns stuck in your skin try to remove them as soon as you are finished your tasks. Wash the puncture wounds and any other wounds that you acquire while gardening and then apply an antiseptic to prevent infection.
Tool Safety
One major aspect of gardening safety is the safe use of gardening tools. Be sure to store them in an area where children or possibly even pets can’t get at them. When you are using your gardening tools also try to be mindful of where each tool is located, especially if you have friends or family members out in the yard with you. I’m sure everyone can either remember stepping on a rake that was placed on the ground the wrong way and being hit in the face or watching someone else do it.
Perhaps store you smaller gardening tools in a gardening belt or tool belt so they are handy and close to you at all times. A bucket with a handle would also be a great place to store tools as you work in the garden.
Dull gardening tools often make worse cuts (on plants and on our skin!) so make sure your pruners and other cutting tools and blades are sharp and kept free of rust, and handle with care.
Chemical Safety
If you use chemicals in your garden – fertilizers, weed killers or other chemicals please make sure that you are storing them safely and using them as directed. Of course you can make it really easy on yourself and be like me and just not use any chemicals in the garden at all!
Some chemicals are quite toxic when being used and require that a mask and safety clothing be worn when applying them to your plants. Be sure to read the directions before starting to use a chemical in your yard and where appropriate protection if necessary. Also be sure that family members, friends and neighbors or pets aren’t nearby when using potentially toxic chemicals and keep pets and people away until the level of toxicity goes down whether that be an hour or a few days.
Also remember to read the label when it comes to disposing of used chemical bottles or left over chemicals. Sometimes you can simple put the containers in your recycling and other times you might have to drop them off at a special depot.
If you always make sure that you practice garden safety you, your family, pets and friends will be able to enjoy the time in the garden.
Don’t forget to read the first article on Gardening Safety that I published earlier this month in order to avoid injuring yourself while planting new plants in the garden and more.
Garden safety is very important….when using tree pruners, shears, trimmers, edgers, augers, any garden tool then one must be careful…and also be careful on where and how you store them too.
Thanks for the killer tips! Indeed gained something valuable from it…
There’s a very thin line between triumph and disaster both in life and in the garden. I know this because my husband fell off a ladder about 6 weeks ago whilst sawing the branch off a tree. Fortunately he is OK, just having hurt his hip, but it could have been so much worse.
I had been holding the ladder, but he told me to move away so the branch didn’t fall on my head. The next minute he’s flying through the air. Fortunately next doors hedge broke his fall. Take care everyone.
It’s essential to practice safety and common sense when working in the yard this summer. About 230,000 people are treated in hospital emergency rooms for injuries relating to various lawn and garden tools
annually.Each year, about 75 people are killed and about 20,000 are injured on or near riding lawnmowers and garden tractors. One out of every five deaths involves a child.
a very thin line between triumph and disaster both in life and in the garden. I know this because my husband fell off a ladder about 6 weeks ago whilst sawing the branch off a tree.