Do you grow any vegetables in your garden? I do …
Yeah, I know, I’m always talking about my flowers and other plants and I barely ever mention the fact that I also try to grow vegetables in my garden, amid all of the flowers.
Each year without fail I grow tomatoes (I experiment with different kinds each year this year it was Early Girl, Glam and Tiny Toms), cucumbers, beans, peas, romaine and a variety of lettuces or mescalin mix.
My tomatoes did quite well this year, much better than the last few years anyway. Perhaps that was because I grew varieties that matured earlier. I just love home grown tomatoes. Yum.
Unfortunately though, my Tiny Tom Tomatoes, Cucumbers and beans didn’t do as well. I grow them in containers on the patio close to the back of the house. I guess I thought that with all of the rain this year that the plants were getting enough water … guess again … they grew very slowly and I think it was because they were too dry overall.
My cucumbers did the worst! They only just started producing tiny cucumbers about two weeks ago! Here’s a tiny one as proof:
If I’d paid more attention and didn’t just assume that the all of the areas of the garden were getting enough water thanks to all the rain we had this summer then I think my cucumbers and beans would have done a lot better.
I guess I learned a lesson this year. Even if it’s rained, always go out and check the soil to see if it really is moist. Plants growing near the house or under the eaves just might not be getting any water at all!
I hope your veggies did better than mine did this summer.
We are going to get the remnants of Hurricane Ike all day today. We are expecting a lot of rain. I mean the kind that causes flooding … and flooded basements! Our basements always been dry, but this might be the test! Hope my home and garden survive all the water we’re about to have dumped on us!
Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information. GTS participants remember to check in at As the Garden Grows each week so that we’ll know you made a new post!
I’ve had lots and lots of tiny tomatoes this year, so many that I’m giving them away.
I’ve got some roses in bloom for GTS.
The tomatoes look so good! My green thumb sunday entry is now posted, too!
yr veggies look good. free too
mine is up
your crop looks good to me
I have a few pepper plants that produce, but my single tomato this year got eaten before it ripened. I’ve one little cantalope that I have high hopes for but overall I’ve mainly done flowers. I keep thinking veggies are next but have trouble finding the time to expand in that direction.
Happy GTS!
Hi there!
I took part again this week
I like this meme.
Your tomatoes look great! Poor little cucumber though… I hope they improve next year!
I have posted about my first time vegetable garden, please come have a look at the photos – any advice for a newbie would be appreciated!
Hope you are all having a super Sunday!!
It must be a bad year for cucumbers. My seeds didn’t even germinate and my parents, who always have good luck, lost their plants. They just died out! They’d never had this happen before. My tomatoes are still green:( I planted too late.
Just to let you know I posted GTS post yesterday!
I’m also happy to say that I planted tomatoes, carrots, parsley, green peppers and rhubarb in my flower bed this spring! 
Sorry to hear about all htat rain. I hope it is settling down, now. Our oriental greens did very well this year. Lots of green beans, too. Heat lovers have been slow.
I enjoyed your post.
It was a long time sinse I planted my garden. Gave it up for a few years.
The first planting rotted because of too much rain and cold temps.
The second planting got eaten by the deer.
The third planting made it half way (still deer eating),
but it took off like crazy at the end of the summer.
Check my post, I think you will enjoy it.
I am in upstate New York.
sorry to hear you didn’t have the best results. i grow loads of veg but am particularly obsessed with growing chillies from seed. they are very similar to grow to tomatoes – maybe you should try and give them a go next year!! good luck
Well, at least you got a cute looking cuke from your efforts! I’m having fun growing my own vegetables.