Wordless Wednesday
LOL have you ever seen one bird chasing another? Probably lots of times, right?
I’ll bet that you never saw one catch the other by it’s tail before though!
BTW I didn’t take this picture, wish I knew who did as it’s a fantastic shot, isn’t it?
Nice capture. Happy WW!
LOL! Perfect catch for WW! hope you’ll visit my WW entry too…Have a nice day ahead!
wow! is this real? great shot! happy ww!
Nice “catch”! It’s like the mommy bird is saying, “Where do you think you’re going, young man (or bird)?”
Happy WW!
Almot like they are playing the airplane game, where one grabs the other’s feet and swings them around. Happy WW!
Yes, very cool photo.
Proud grandma!
Great photo! thanks for sharing.
wow!!love this nature photo!!i love birds!
What a great photo!!!
wow!!nice photo.I love it!!!
how could you catch that???amazing!!!
cool catch!!hope to see other amazing catch!!!thank you
Not happy at all! I wonder if the other one got away. Somebody was awfully good with a camera to catch that one!
I’m glad that you enjoyed the picture. I only wish I’d taken it. It’s spectacular isn’t it?
that’s hysterical!!! usually you only see dogs or cats playing like that. i guess the little bird stole his seeds?
What a great picture. I love feeding the birds in my garden and watching them. I think you need lots of time and lots of patience to take a shot like that. Sadly I haven’t got either at the moment, but one day I will have a go and see what I come up with. In the meantime I’ll just enjoy watching them.