Of all the roses I grow I think my Yves Piaget Romance rose is putting on the biggest fall show:
It’s just full of blooms!
As you can see from this picture the roses get a little over blown fairly quickly, but they stay this way, with their petals all puffed out for days, especially in this cool weather.
Actually I think all the roses are enjoying the very cool weather we’ve been having here in Toronto. They are growing and some are developing buds, even though they really should be shutting down for winter by now.
If you grow roses, how are they doing right now? Are they enjoying the cool weather and flowering?
Roses now? Girl, you’re lucky!!! Fall is here, not much grows any longer. And the leaves are soon off all the trees.. *sigh*
My GTS also involves Roses – and a VERY UNUSUAL way of decorating with them!
Making you curious, I hope? *giggles*
i have posted something here. feel free to drop in and visit
No roses around my garden these days. I had a terrible allergic reaction to the rose spray a few years ago and it was enough for me to decide to give my roses away as a gifts!
since I am in Norfolk County I will look for this rose for next spring