Well I guess it’s about time to chop down the sunflowers in the front boulevard. They’re beginning to die off since it’s getting cold here and if we don’t cut them down we’ll have no where to put the snow when we have big storms this winter. Yes … we have a very small yard, so every inch counts when it comes to shoveling snow. LOL
My beebalm didn’t do very well this year at all.
I used to have a clump in my front garden but it didn’t come up this year at all, and the clump of beebalm in the backyard was scraggly with only a few stems coming up. Hopefully it does better next year (or I’ll have to buy some more in early summer) as I really like it in the garden. I like the smell of beebalm when you brush by it’s leaves, I also like seeing the bees, moths and butterflies enjoying the flowers too.
Some of our roses are still blooming even thought it’s getting quite cool here. We’ve had frost a few nights and it’s been down to zero at least once. I guess it’s just about time to say good bye to the garden for this year.
Oh that is so sad- but I guess winter is part of the cycle. I haven’t been able to post the last couple sundays- but mine is up this week!
The sunflowers are gorgeous. Yes, we’ll miss the summer season without doubt. Today it’s gray and rainy over here….
(Sorry for not participating in GTS today, but I’ve been sooo busy dealing with an copyright issue with another blog using my photos. Arrrgh. A not so nice blog with links I prefer not to be connected to!)
My GTS post is “up!”
My neighbor brought me some of her last roses. We are to have our first freeze (a good solid one) tonight.
I’ve never been successful with bee balm either. It’s a shame, as it’s such an awesome herb.
Sigh, yes it’s just about over for me too. Just the tough mums and snapdragons are left. I planted a bee balm this year, but it was a small plant from an end of the year sale so it didn’t do anything yet. It looks pretty good though so I’m hoping!
yes , sad that winter is on the way
We’ve just had our second hard frost which has just about finished off the last of the flowers. Need to start tidying now. Got the grass cut yesterday, probably the last of the year. Also got the hedges trimmed and some horse manure delivered. Busy, busy. It will be Spring again in no time. Bring it on!
We have not had any flowers for a few weeks now. I am surprised we still have leaves on some of the trees, especially with all the strong winds we have had in the past week.
I don’t mind the flowers going as it just makes it all the more special when they return next spring.
Loved seeing your photography.
I have a blogging award for you over at my blog if you’d like to stop by and pick it up. =)
That flowere looks like it was brought back from another planet. Fascinating….as Spock would say.