It’s getting colder here in Toronto. Last night it went down to -2 Celsius. That’s below freezing folks … but my roses, some of them anyway, are still trying to bloom!
This is a picture that I took of my Parade Roses last weekend. As you can see they had beautiful rose buds.
Parade is a climbing rose and it’s flowers are usually a lovely pink, but I think because of the cold weather we’ve been experiencing the buds turned red.
I think they look beautiful.
Several of my roses are still trying to bloom, although last nights cold weather might finally put a stop to that. Moulinex, Sharifa Asma, Graham Thomas, Baronne Prevost, Jacques Cartier, Yves Pigiet, iceberg and even the Compte de Chambord have a few blooms or buds.
Here’s a fading Compte de Chambord flower … even though it’s obviously dying it was still putting out it’s lovely rose perfume scent:
Several of my other flowers are still blooming as well. I even have some Petunias that are still alive! Oh and my Lavender has started blooming again too. Very strange!
If you live in an area that gets cool for winter are your flowers and plants dormant now or are some still struggling to bloom?
BTW Sorry this GTS post is late. It’s been a busy and sickly weekend. Speaking of Green Thumb Sunday – how many of you are really participating? I thought that members agreed to check in here on Sundays to let others know they have a new post up … but that hasn’t been happening much over the last week. I’m starting to wonder if we should keep this going?
I did figure out that you were either busy or sick, sorry to hear that it has been both.
I love that red color it has got now. Strange that you still have flowers despite the cold. I haven’t seen flowers here in a while now. We’ve had frost the last 2 nights, but tonight it felt like it’s gonna be warmer again. That probably means that the temporarily sunny weather is going to change.
Yes, I notice too. People from the blogroll don’t stop by any more – mostly my regulars. I do love the GTS idea though
I’ve noticed that blogrolls generally don’t work any more, maybe peeps don’t have the time. The only things working seem to be some photo hunts (I’m not in them) that hasn’t grown so big yet. It seems like as soon as there is more peeps involved, it gets difficult.
Let me know how things goes.
Hey Tricia – your roses are beautiful. I still have some lovely fuscia colored roses just starting to bloom. My plan was to do a GTS about them but I haven’t got there yet
I know I’ve been lazy about posting but have a few times over the last couple of months. Please don’t quit… I’ll try to pull up my socks!!!
I wish my roses were so persistent, but they gave up a while ago.
My post is up.
I don’t know about others, but I’ve been lax at blogging in general this summer; too much going on. I still like the idea of GTS, but I wonder if everyone knows to come post here now? Also, I live in a cold climate, so not much to say in winter.
Sorry I’m late, but Sunday’s post is now running.
I so love Compte de Chambord Rose because of its scent and yours is so pretty even it is wilting. The absence of flowers around during winter season makes me feel sluggish that is why I have mixed emotions about winter. I love this season because I knew that Christmas is coming but then, I hate it because of the dull and flowerless surroundings.
Beautiful roses–thanks for sharing. Hope they hang in there.
Gosh I am so jealous! I love how tenacious these flowers are, still perfuming itself for the bees even though it is dying. We should be like that with our personal grooming, hehe.
Your roses look beautiful despite all the cold weather. It´s getting colder here too.. not quite as cold as where you are though. I heard that Scotland is to expect its coldest winter in over 30 years!! Hopefully it´ll not be too awful for us all this year. There are already a lot of people with the cold, just think what it´ll do to all the flowers!! Hope you feel better soon!
O love rose and these are gorgeous.
I hope you keep the blogroll- I try and post every week but some weeks I just don’t have the time with my work schedule. Is there one coming for today (11/9) mine is up!
Come and see my post!
I noticed here that most of the roses have started to go to sleep for the winter but as I am on my daily walks around the neighbourhood I still see roses that are doing quite well, but they are all on the homes that get the early morning sun.
So the houses on the west side of the streets still have roses and other flowers doing great, yet on the homes that don’t get the early morning sun, like our house, the flower beds are all dried up and sleeping now.
my grandma once told me that when flowers were blooming in your plants, you were living a harmonious way.. did you get my point?
Thank you for presenting a pleasant feasts of the eyes. They can freshen out my weary eyes.
Do you know, my roses did the same thing down here in Illinois? Joseph’s Coat and Paradise both bloomed well after our first nights below freezing! I was so surprised.
This week, though, I finally tucked them in for the winter. I usually make a wire cage around the rosebush and fill it with leaves to protect the plant. I wrap my climbers with burlap as well. I’ve had great success (of course, we also have more gentle winters than Toronto, but ours have a good deal of wind with very little snowcover.)
Thanks for the post. I’ll certainly be coming back for updates. I love to include gardening on my own blog, but I’m always ready to learn new things. Now that the growing season is done, we get to the fun of planning for next year!
Best, MM