Wordless Wednesday
Birds can be pests at times, but as you can see from the above photo they can also be quite helpful.
I know that when I’m outdoors at dusk or walking in a forest during the summer I tend to get swarmed with bugs (usually mosquitoes). It might actually be nice to have a few birds around to pick them off me like they are doing to the gazelle? in the picture.
Poor thing, but he/she is getting a free bath. haha
Happy Wordless Wednesday!
Perfect shot for wordless… Mine’s up too hope you can drop by… Happy WW!
This is SUPERB shot! what a beautiful gazelle, especially with the way its head was turned… the birds must be having a real feast (they cannot seem to stop pecking)… a great example of symbiosis and of great composition:)…
I love this photo. Amazing photo!
Wonderful shot! Happy WW…
So beautiful! I think he looks like he’s getting a massage!
This is what I call a true Win-Win partnership.
beautiful photo. amazing
Great blog, photos and articles. Very informative. Thank you for sharing and keep up the great work. Rick