Wordless Wednesday
There’s nothing like lying down with a snack. Obviously squirrels like doing this too!
I think this is some kind of red squirrel.
It’s not one that we have around here in Ontario though! Actually I think red squirrels are either very rare or extinct in this area.
We don’t even see all that many grey squirrels, the area is mostly populated with black squirrels.
Don’t you love this squirrels ears?
Sweet picture! Ours in BC are not that cute
That’s a riot!! I just don’t imagine squirrels relaxing. They’re usually so amped out! Great shot.
Oh my good gosh that is cute. That silly little squirrel!
Happy WW!
Brilliant! Very cool. Well captured. My WW is entirely different, something of a shower…
Oh man, that is just the cutest little thing. Great shot! Wish we had some of them around here in South Africa. Now I feel like stretching out in the sun in a comfy hammock or something. Alas, work is waiting…
Just when I think I’ve seen every possible pose by a squirrel, this comes along! Great take!!
he sure is having a grand time munching that snack!… and as june said, this is a very candid and extra-ordinary pose for a squirrel!
What a neat shot, what type of lens did you use to get this? I love red squirrels and they are rare anywhere!
Happy WW and Happy Thanksgiving!
How cute is that ? Looks like he’s just relaxing, waiting for winter.
That is an unique shot of a squirrel. It reminds me of our dog when she has a nice bone to chew. Happy WW and Happy Thanksgiving!
Brilliant shot welcome in our garden anytime!
So cute! And its ears look so special…Nice shot!
This is a most unusual squirrel! Those perky ears with the tufts of hairs simply too cute! I love it when they spread out on all fours..a sign that they are totally relaxed in this enviroment! Great capture! A nature lover and G.Voices particiapant!
Look for your High Five from me HERE!
What a CUTE photo!
Thanks for sharing.
I visited Canada when i was a child and brought back the vision of black squirrels , even now 20 20 years latter i still meet people who think I am making fun of them by trying convince them of the black squirrels.
I love your photo I have never seen a squirrel of that color before.
I know that I love to lay down with a snack…wonder is he watching TV. That is what I always do. LOL, great pic! I had to see it after reading the squirrel being fed by the human mouth pic and you mentioned this one here.