Wordless Wednesday
Everyone seemed to like last weeks relaxed squirrel picture so much that I figured you’d probably enjoy this photo of a chipmunk being fed a snack.
I didn’t not take this picture, nor is it me in the photo, but I have feed a chipmunk like this in the past.
They are fairly timid, but once they get used to you they’ll come up and take peanuts, bread or other snacks right from your hand, or as in this case, right from your mouth.
That is both creepy and cute. hehe
Who knew squirrels were so tame. Happy WW!
Wow, that’s rather brave of the person doing the feeding. Chipmunks can bite.
is that chip or dale?
so cute.
Great capture! I don’t dare tame my visiting chippers with 2 residents cats that keep close watch!
They can bite too! That happened to a friend of ours who liked to feed the squirrels.
He is a cutie, but I think I’d be a little squeamish having a wild critter touching my mouth like that. A pet, fine, but not so much with the wild.
Lol, that’s really cute. The squirrels in my garden are much chunkier than that lil guy. Probably has something to do with the mini forest of nut trees i’ve got going on
Very very cute. As much as I like to watch these little fellows, I really don’t appreciate an overabundance of them. (They love to eat tulip bulbs!)
I used to have 3 squirrels that I caught one summer. We built them a cage and they became quite tame. They would do ridiculous stunts for fruit believe it or not. I had no idea they liked fruit until I gave one of them 1/2 of a peach. It was hilarious. They are pretty smart little animals and can be tamed.
Cute picture, but I would be afraid that he would do something like scratch my face. I guess you just have to be an animal lover and comfortable around them to make this one happen.
Here’s to new adventures!