The weather outside is miserable right now.
It’s cold and instead of snow there are ice pellets coming down! I think everything will have a coat of ice on it when I get up in the morning. Brrrr.
As I thought about what kind of post I’d do for Green Thumb Sunday the weather outside (the weather that I got to experience first hand while taking our dog out for her last outing of the night) I remembered how pretty my flowers look just after a rain. Then I remembered this lovely picture of an Iceberg rose … now doesn’t the name of the rose kind of fit the weather we’re having too? LOL
So I present to you and Iceberg rose on an ice pellet day. Hey, it works for me …
I’ll add this cool purple Alium as well. It’s supposed to be a spring bloomer, but mine tend to bloom in late June or early July. The iceberg roses will bloom long before the Alium next year.
Are any of you lucky enough to be enjoying flowers due to living in a warmer climate than I? If so, I envy you. I already miss my garden.
Actually .. I do have a few flowers blooming indoors. My Thanksgiving cactus has almost finished it’s blooms and my Christmas Cactus has a few early blooms. Plus … I have a small hibiscus in my kitchen and it’s producing lovely coral flowers for us. So I guess I’m not as deprived as I thought I was.
I have a few things bloomin- but I’m afraid mine will soon be gone as well. The winter weather seems to be moving into Arizona today with a winter advisory. I am bringing some inside, covering others and hoping for the best on the rest.
These are beautiful flowers. Good for have flowers indoors.
It’s wonderful to see our flower blossoms in our archives when the weather outside is frightful! Great photos to chase away the winter blahs! I have some too for your viewing! Happy Today! (we are on the same page in GV!)
Beautiful pictures of icy flowers. The white one is my favorite. Amazing!
Absolutely gorgeous! And beautiful textures too.