I can’t help longing for spring. I’m sure most cold climate gardeners know how I feel.
Well the good news is that in only two months it will officially be Spring. Yeah, the weather won’t be so great in late March, not here in Toronto anyway, but by then we’ll know that we won’t have to wait much longer for nice weather and the first flowers of spring!
The first flowers that appear in my garden … well actually in my lawn since that’s where I planted them, are the Crocus’. They usually appear during the last week of March – often March 26th for some reason. Sometimes there’s still some snow on the lawn, but the crocus’ break through and bloom their lovely hopeful signs of spring.
Another flower that I look forward to seeing each spring is this lovely Fringed tulip:
These fringed tulips are late spring bloomers though … I often have to wait until early June before they show off their lovely colorful blooms. By then of course I’m starting to anticipate summer flowers.Plus if it’s really warm in early June the beautiful blooms that I enjoy seeing don’t last as long as they should.
What spring flowers do you look forward to seeing in the near future?
Oh … update on that one Amaryllis that is about to bloom … I’ve been taking pictures of the flower bud as it separates into four distinct flower buds. I suspect we’ll have four huge blooms on the stock in a day or two. I’ll post the series of Amaryllis bud to bloom pictures in next weeks Green Thumb post.
Those fringed tulips are so pretty, aren’t they? I look forward to everything that grows in the Spring! It’s very exciting after a long winter.
Lovely looking tulips there and nice article thankyou.
These last two weeks here have been so cold and bitter that I have forgotten all about how beautiful the winter looks and my mind too longs for spring.
Those tulips look artificial, like they are made of silk with fraid edges like the ones I used to see at my grandmothers house. They are gorgeous.
We have crocus all over our yard. A great sign that spring has sprung for sure.
As I struggle to endure another Northeast Pa. winter, it’s nice to see a reminder of what I have to look forward to. Thanks!
I cant wait for the spring to kick in, especially with the weather being what it is here in the UK! Those tulips look great and another great read- thanks!
I also can’t wait for Spring – just way too cold here (in UK) at the moment!
My GTS post is up!
Again, I love your fringed tulips!
I love tulip; tulip is my favorite flower. Probably that is the reason why I have been using it often in the cover of my ebook and in my entrecard.
I love tulip!… those are very nice looking tulips.