Wordless Wednesday
Aw, don’t they make a cute couple?
I don’t know if this is just a hug, play or something else (maybe peekaboo since one has it’s paws over the others eyes?).
I certainly hope that they aren’t getting ready to make more raccoon babies!
Now that the weather has warmed up here in Toronto (the snows actually melting and it’s been raining a LOT) we’ve been seeing raccoons almost daily! One seems to like our driveway. I guess I’ll have to walk the dog in the driveway a few times during the day to get her scent there in the hopes that it will scare the raccoon away.
If it’s warmer in your area, have you been seeing more wildlife lately?
Definitely cute! Choice pic as we look forward the romance of Valentine Day.
Awww. The one laying back is a young coon. Greta WW
What a perfect shot to share especially with Valentines’ Day coming up.
So cute!! Hard to believe those cute little creatures can be sooooo pesky! I haven’t seen any yet, but last year we had a fox mama have her litter under our front deck. Wondering if they will be back this year…
this sure is a cute picture. and i think raccoons are cute. however, i had to stop one yesterday that was dragging one of my chickens over a 6 ft fence. that was not so cute.
Very cute picture!!
Very cute! They must have been practising for Valentines Day!
Aren’t they just the cutest couple. You can be sure that it means more raccoon babies, I can see it in their eyes.
I hear Toronto has a huge population of raccoons running around the neighbourhoods. We don’t see any here in Moncton, or I haven’t seen any and I have been here about 30 years now. But then 30 years ago when I lived in Scarborough I never saw raccoons eithers, so perhaps it’s just me.
I’ve just posted my GTS post.
How are things going your way??
Out here in Northern California, we have raccoons year round. We have to be real careful to lock up the chicken at nigh to keep them from becoming raccoon food. We had one in our garbage cans the other night. They’re cute, but they can sure be pests.
Awww, now don’t they just make a lovely couple. Wish we had more wildlife like that here – I think we killed and ate all ours or just hunted it to extinction for the sake of it here in the UK.