I just love it when we have beautiful days in the dead of winter. It warmed up to 18 C or 64 F today … that’s almost unheard of here in Toronto!
I had to resist a strong urge to go out and putter in my garden! There’s still a little bit of snow out there – or at least there was some in the shady areas in the afternoon … it’s possible that it melted away by now.
So I was looking out at my garden from the kitchen window .. the leaves on the ground and in the garden beds, the roses that I didn’t prune in the fall, plants that needed to be pulled out after they died down last fall … and that’s when the urge to get out there and tidy up the garden hit me.
Of course it’s the beginning of March. I’m sure we’ll have one or two snow storms and some desperately cold weather before Spring really arrives … so no, I didn’t go out into the garden no matter how much I wanted to. It would have been a wasted effort and if I’d started pruning it might even have hurt the plants one the cold weather returns.
Instead my dog got an extra long walk in the afternoon and a long walk in the evening. She also was given a walk, as usual, in the morning by my husband. So we all got some good exercise and we’re able to enjoy the amazingly warm March weather.
Did it warm up in your area too? If it did, did you get outside to enjoy it too?
Well, here in Laos it’s been a great morning for the almost the same reason. It’s cool outside this morning, enough for me to enjoy my coffee outside with the kids. It’s been in the 90’s for the past couple of weeks so the cool air was a pleasant surprise this morning
Here in Kansas City we’ve been on a roller coaster temperature-wise for the last couple of months. Last Friday it was 81 degrees here, and tonight, as I type this the wind chill is 10. Usually March is when Spring really begins to poke its head out, so hoping I can be out there getting my garden ready soon.