I know that some of my fellow gardeners probably feel like their garden is an open buffet for wildlife pests such as deer and rabbits … apparently deer aren’t only hitting local gardens. Nope, they’ve started trying to get take-out from local businesses too!
I wonder if they ordered a salad and a cocktail?
BTW – sorry that I haven’t posted a Green thumb post or any updates lately. I’ve been getting my gardening done (planting young plants and seeds etc), but I’ve also been very sick with Crohn’s so I haven’t felt up to writing. Sorry! I’ll be making some updates soon.
I hope they got their orders.
I don’t know if I have commented to you before on this, and I don’t know about your Crohn’s, but have you ever read Patient, Heal Thyself, by Jordin Ruben? http://www.crohns.net/Miva/productinfo/ExcerptPHT.shtml
Couldn’t hurt to take a read. Also, look at the Real Food movement and the ability to heal this disease with an UNPROCESSED Real Foods diet. http://curedmycrohns.blogspot.com/2009/03/my-crohns-butt-kicking-diet.html
and realfoodmedia – – http://realfoodmedia.com/
what a cute post
HAHA that’s hilarious.
Wow Really its a hilarious post.I hope they got their orders.HA HA HA.Thanks
I’m not sure they ordered anything – the prices were a bit deer.
Haha, great post, love the photo, will dig through your blog
He he he.Really great post.I just love the two deer’s photo.They are so cute.Hope they got their order.Thanks for posting.
What a cute photo. Hope they got their order.
Nice picture.They are looking for Liquor or Lounge?..LOL
nice photo
Wow. That really gave me a smile!