It’s about time that I wrote a Green Thumb Sunday post! I knew it had been a while, but didn’t realize that it’s been about two months since my last GTS post!
Sorry guys! I’ve been so busy lately and sick! It’s been hard to do my regular posts let alone special GTS posts.
Now, as I’ve said in the last few posts this summer is pretty much a write off! It’s been cool and up until a few days ago we didn’t have much rain. Boy did that change! It’s been raining fairly steadily since Wednesday evening.
Saturday and earlier today we heavy heavy rains. Like enough to form puddles in the backyard within minutes! My yard drained ok and my basements dry, but others in Toronto have had flooded basements and several streets turned into ponds! Talk about a deluge!
The one good thing about all this rain is that I’m sure my plants are loving it … well they will if it stops soon! I also think it’s going to be a little warmer this coming weeks so maybe between the rain, the lightening adding free nitrogen into the air and some much needed warmth we’ll have new blooms in the garden soon.
It’s been so overcast in June and July that the pictures I’ve taken of the garden just don’t look as nice as they normally do. It’s hard to take pictures in the afternoon when the light seems like mid-evening!
Right now the daylilies, phlox and lavender are the stars of the garden.
What plants are the stars of your garden this week?
Here in the UK we’ve had virtually nothing but rain over the past month or so. Back in spring the weather forecasters told us it was probable it would be a barbecue summer, but up till now we’ve had only a few days when it was possible to get the bbq out. No problems here then with having to use a hosepipe to water the gardens.
think of it this way–several days of rain is exactly what the doctor ordered for the garden which leaves the job of watering the plants to nature so you can take a break! that way, you can relax for once and when the rain subsides, enjoy your flowers again as you water them manually…
These pictures are great! It’s been a relatively mild summer here in IL. My flowers are ok but my tomatoes are very behind in blooming.
life is so beautiful with rain and flowers….