Well it was a slow start, but as of this past week summer’s finally arrived in Toronto!
The week, well let’s say last Sunday, started with rain and a massive lightening storm. Spectacular really – with sheet lighting and huge vibrant lightening all over the city for about an hour and a half! It was the most vibrant lightening storm I’ve seen in a year or two!
After that the heat that is usually so much a part of our summers here in Toronto finally arrived. As the week has progressed it seems each day that passes is hotter than the last! We’ve also had a lot of humidity. Currently with humidity it supposedly feels like 36 C (96.8 F).
I think by Wednesday of this week the true summer like heat will be gone again though … so that means we’ll have only had about one true week of summer this year! Perhaps that’s still better than last summer though – last summer we had record breaking rain!
All through July I watched my Tiny Tom and Cherry, Early Girl and Glam tomatoes grow on the vine. I began to wonder if they’d ever change from green to red as they seemed to stay green and the same size for the longest time – probably due to the lower than normal summer temperatures that we were having.
However after a week of true summer like heat I can finally say that I was able to pick two ripe tomatoes and a handful of Tiny Tom tomatoes yesterday.
Likewise, my pole beans, cucumbers, raspberries and strawberries have been behind this summer. Over the last two weeks though we picked our first beans and a new (very small) crop of strawberries came in. The raspberries started to ripen and we’ve had a couple of handfuls over the last week as well.
The cucumbers are growing very very slowly! Three weeks ago I noticed that we had our first cucumbers, but they were smaller than Gherkins! Now those cucumbers are a little bigger and thicker than my thumb so it’s still slow going. They’re English Burpless cucumbers so they have a long way to go before we can pick them!
Our roses are starting to rebloom now too. Maybe well have two more flushes of blooms before summer truly ends.
The pro’s of having a cooler and slightly drier summer are:
1. The lawn has been growing slowly so we haven’t had to cut it as much, and due to the cooler weather and occasional really heavy rain it’s stayed green.
2. We haven’t had the air-conditioning on for most of the summer (with the exception of this week and the last week of June) so for a change, we’ve been able to enjoy the summer with our window and doors open, and of course, we’ve saved a lot of money on the electricity bill!
3. We’ve been watering less this summer. With the cooler weather the plants don’t seem to need as much water – so again we’ve saved some money on the water bill (which doubled on the last bill anyway- Thanks City of Toronto due to increased prices, taxes and sewer and trash collection fees!)
Overall it seems like my plants don’t mind the weather we’ve had this summer although I do have a few roses that have almost totally lost their leaves due to powdery mildew (cooler weather, more dew at night on the leaves?).
The Balloon flowers seem to love this weather. They’re taller than normal (4 feet!) and blooming their pretty little heads off. Here’s a picture of a Balloon flower bud, and a Balloon flower in bloom – you can definitely see where they get their name from:
How is your garden doing this summer? Have you managed to eat any of the veggies that you’re growing yet?
We have so few veggies due to the fact that I don’t have enough sun for most things… but we’re getting a number of tomatoes and I see about 3 or 4 peppers that are growing.
The ground squirrels seem to be taste-testing the tomatoes from time to time. ha.
I’m amazed by your tall blue balloon flowers. I purchased one this year and I believe it will remain short.
Have a great day!
What a great looking garden! You said something about being able to go some of the summer with your windows open and how you save money like that….that is awesome! I wish I could do that but FL weather is brutal! One thing that I have here that in my opinion has saved me tons is Geothermal AC/Heating. It is a great start for going Green! Not only does it save you about 50% each month on your electric bill, it also has some great tax incentives. Egg Systems has been in the news for over 19 years showing the public how they can save money and the environment using Geothermal Technology.A geothermal system is three to four times more efficient than the most efficient ordinary system. It is the best decision I have ever made to help my household become a bit more Green!
What a beautiful collection! I like flowers very much.I would like to plant these flowers and vegetables in my garden.