It’s hard to believe but November is here.
It’s starting to get colder and the leaves are falling off the trees and my garden plants. It’s time to start putting the garden to bed for the winter.
As far as gardening goes I dislike this time of year the most.
Yes I still have some flowers blooming, but it won’t be long before the first snow arrives and my garden will be awash in white. It’s a long wait until spring and new garden life – isn’t it?
In the last two weeks I’ve spent some time closing down the garden. Trimming plants and removing plants that have died down. We’ve put away our patio furniture and just this past weekend all the solar lights and torches were put away for winter. Tropical plants such as my Passion Flower vines, Hibiscus and Jasmine have all been brought inside as they can’t withstand our very cold winters here in Toronto.
There isn’t much left to do, other than cover the garden beds with tree leaves that have been falling heavily over the last few days. Soon the trees in the area will be bare – but their leaves will be protecting my garden beds.
I still have to cut down the sunflowers that I grow in the front boulevard …
They are still blooming and most look pretty good – but I know that won’t last. Perhaps next weekend we’ll chop them down … oh yes I mean chop, normal garden pruners just don’t do the job on Sunflowers thick stems.
Have you started getting your garden ready for the long winter? What do you do to prepare your garden?
Hello, Just wondering your thoughts on FreezePruf, a product that we have in the US – that extends the growing season by 2 weeks.
You’re behind me, or ahead? My garden’s been done for some time and all my leaves are already down. We’ve had colder than normal temps here in Central Ohio, so wondering if your weather; even though you’re father north has been better than ours?
I too hate this time of year. I hate losing the colors flowers bring to one’s yard. I hate knowing the cold and the gray are here for awhile. I hate not being able to sit outside and stand and talk at the fence row with neighbors.
I love the city of Toronto, by the way. Been there multiple times; though it’s been years ago. Such a pretty city.
what glorious photos! You should join in for my Friday Meme and share with the others! I will have the post ready later Thursday evening!
I myself want to say that I think the pictures above of all them flowers/plants are Beautiful. I live in the US and I have never heard some kind of chemical prolonging the seasonal flowers. Please let me know what it is and the name it. Thanks!
Winstrol I don’t use any chemicals on my garden to prolong their season. In fact I don’t use any chemicals at all as my garden is 100% organic.
Perhaps you’re asking about the product that the first commentor mentioned “Freezepruf”? I hadn’t heard of that before either and I don’t even know if it’s available here in Canada where I am. I did look it up though and it sounded more like it was for lawns.
Anyway, as I said we don’t use any chemicals on our garden – we just lucked out and have flowers that enjoy blooming even when it’s getting cold out. Had some roses bloom last week when ewe had higher than normal temps – I’m sure the blooms will freeze this week!
I love your garden flower pictures! I envy your green thumb. The only flowers I can grow are african violets on my south exposure kitchen window sill. I will miss your pictures during the winter season.