Happy New Year!
I’m hoping that all of my fellow gardeners and gardener wannabees are happy and healthy as we start this new year.
I know for many of you your gardens are now dormant since it’s winter and it’s too cold for leaves on our plants let alone flowers! However I’m sure many of you are making plans for Spring.
I haven’t done this for a few years, but this year, come February or so I’m going to set up my seedling trays and start planting seeds. If I remember correctly you have to start Asters, Impatiens and a few other plants quite early in order to have big enough plants for the end of May or early June planting. Of course, the majority of plants that I’ll start indoors don’t need to be planted until March ie Tomatoes.
Luckily I have a good stock of seeds in my cool basement storage. I hope that most of them are still viable! I also collected seeds off a number of my plants this year ie Cosmo, Cleome, Liatris etc so I’ll be planting some of those in little pots and others right in the garden beds ones the soil is thawed in the Spring.
I know that growing some of my own plants will cut our costs greatly. As I said I haven’t grown my own seedlings for a few years now … instead I’ve purchased annual flowers and some veggies at a nursery in late spring or early summer … but enough of spending money on things i can grow on my own! I just have to get started early enough.
Do you grow some of your own seedlings? If so – what types of plants do you start indoors during the winter?
Happy New Year.
I’m getting ready to start my spring garden…yes, I know its early. But, I can’t wait! I just get so excited once the New Year roles around because I know that the days just keep getting closer to spring.
I’m growing veggis this year, and some, like the peppers, need to be started indoors really early.
Who else is starting their garden this soon?
I’ve already ordered my seeds to get things started, since the garden here was such an (unusual) bust last season. Yes, I ate out of it, but I didn’t get enough to put by, so sad!
I’ll be starting tomatoes, cukes, peppers, and squash fairly early. I start mesclun, chard, lettuce, pole beans and spinach a few weeks before planting.
this is probably blog for my mum-she is crazy for flowers .We have them in house and around house
Green Thumb Sunday post is up for 1/24/10
Happy new year to you.
Just can’t wait for the frost to get away so i can get started in my garden again.
I sure miss it alot, and this grey weather is making me depressive
Hello! GTS post is up for 1/31/10!
GTS post up for 2/7-09
My life has been a more wonderful place since I turned my useless dog run of a backyard into a veggie & Herb garden. Now I cook with fresh from the yard produce, that not only tastes much better, but gives you a nice sense of acheivement with each meal
I also love to grow my vegs in my home. I like your blog for good info.
I had recently planted two trays of petunias which were taking nicely, then a local deer came by to taste the yummy new sprouts and destroyed the past two weeks worth of growing I had been doing. I ended up buying one of those motion activated sprinklers to shoo them away, worked a treat.
same to you, when i found this blog its great to read out the blog, am also love to grow plants and vegetables and its awesome to find so many comments which helps me in lots of manners.
Happy New Year. It is been a long time now and I can’t wait for the frost to clean up and so I can garden again. I really found that gardening is the best hobby as it gives peace to our mind.
In my house there afew plant in the name of flowers. I think i will make a list;Dracaena,Arabian Jasmine,Poinsettiaas, Ferns, Bromeliads,
Weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) and the jade plant (Crassula ovata), which is low-maintenance that it seems to thrive on neglect. As well as being attractive plants, the soil they grow in removes airborne pollution from the home and improves air quality and provides the home with the exotic decor.