Winter is over and Spring is definitely here in Toronto. Actually it seems like we lucked out and never really had a winter this year.
Yes, I can hardly believe I’m saying that, but did you know that we didn’t have ANY snow at all here in Toronto in March? None, zip, zero! Toronto has apparently been keeping weather records since 1845 and this is the first year in that time that there’s never been snow in March. Geesh, it might the first year in history that there’s never been snow in March in this area.
Not only that, my home town of Ottawa which is known as both one of the coldest capitals in the world as well as one of the snowiest didn’t have snow in March either.
I’ve had small leave buds coming out on my roses since February and the shrubs in my neighborhood have had leaf buds for two or more weeks. In fact the trees are starting to fill out a bit as well .. There’s no leaves yet but I know there will be soon. Perhaps after this weekend! It’s supposed to hit 25 C (77 F) tomorrow and get even hotter on Saturday. It’s like almost summer temps!
I bet that my husband seriously considers pulling out the patio furniture this weekend.
It’s like we had an extended Autumn, an Early Spring and if the warm weather that we’re supposed to get starting tomorrow sticks around I guess we’re skipping to summer.
Very strange weather but I’m not complaining. I’d love it if it were like this all the time.
Of course last summer we didn’t really have a summer – it was cold and wet – like a long spring and I’ve found over the years that whenever we have a terrible summer like that (seems to come about ever 10 years or so) we almost always have a mild winter followed by a hot hot summer. So we’ll see how summer turns out.
My plants are loving this weather. My first crocus’ were up on the 14th of March and now there’s tons of blooming Crocuses all over my backyard. The clumps of flowers are bigger than I’ve ever seen them.
The grass is already turning green and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if we have to pull out the lawn mower before the month is over. I can’t remember ever cutting the grass in April so this might be a first too.
There are also all kinds of plants sprouting up in my garden – something that usually doesn’t happen until mid- April to early May. I’m not sure if the plants coming up are Hyacinth, daffodil or tulips leaves … probably a combo of all. The leaves sprouting up are about 4 or 5 inches tall already.
I’m sure that I’ll be getting out in the garden this weekend to tidy it up, clear out old leaves and just admire all the plants that are coming up.
I’m so excited to see my garden coming to life so much earlier than it ever has before.
Is your garden ahead of itself this year too? Do you have plants coming up or perhaps some early spring flowers blooming? Tell me about it.
That’s really odd. You had warmer weather than we did down here in Ohio. We had lots of cold temps and lots of snow. We too broke records, but not in the direction I would like. We broke records for amount of snow being more, the temps being colder. But, fingers crossed I think we’ve finally made it. Grass is green, bright yellow pretty daffodils are up and the flower trees are blooming and smelling heavenly.
Been years since I’ve been to Ottawa and Toronto. Must see if I can find my pictures of those trips…way back when we didn’t have to have a passport to travel between our countries. Ohhhhhh those were the days.
It seems things are early here this year, too! It’s wonderful, however.
My GTS post is “up!”
I’m posting another GTS post on Sunday, April 18. It’s “scheduled” to appear at 9:00 A.M. Central Time. Happy Spring to you!!
The weather has been very confusing for the past months and my garden is now trying to cope up with it. But I am afraid that my veggies will not be as good as it was the last time I harvested.
It has been crazy warm around here. I think the weather changing drastically in many places is not a good sign. It worries me terribly when I hear such stories.
And I hope it stays late. Yup rite, a gardener would never want the spring to end.
My veggies are not so good as the last year, but my garden with flowers is blooming and it’s gorgeous! I can’t get enough of it!