At the beginning of this month I wasn’t sure how well my garden was going to do this summer.
You see, we had my neighbors putting in a new fence on one side, and the neighbors on the other side don’t take care of their yard at all so there’s always weeds creeping into our yard from their side, so the month started out in battle mode and it didn’t look good.
I’m quite happy to report that after several weeks of giving our garden some tender loving care – ie lots of compost, mulch, planting new plants in the bare spots, making up my special alfalfa tea to fertilize the garden beds and so on … the plants are looking quite happy.
I’ve actually been out in the garden taking quite a few pictures in the last week, maybe an extra 200 pictures! You see we just got a new cellphone. It’s a Nokia N8 and it has a 12 mpg camera inside it and it takes fabulous pictures and video! I was going to post an HD video that I took with the phone in this post but for some reason I’m having trouble posting it to Youtube. Youtube keeps saying it’s going to take about five hours to upload a 7 minute video. Crazy! So for now … I’ll just post a few pictures and I’ll try to find a way to get my garden tour video in another post soon.
Here are some lovely White Petunias. I always put a few Petunias in hanging baskets near my bird feeders. They help attract more birds, even hummingbirds if I plant red or pink ones.
Another flower that’s blooming like crazy right now is this Octavia Hill Rose, isn’t it pretty?
My Lavender plants are just beginning to bloom. I believe I have 7 or 8 Lavender plants scattered throughout my garden beds. The ones in the sunniest spots are flowering the most right now, but the others will catch up quickly I’m sure.
I also have several Clematis vines in both my front and back yard garden beds. This lovely pink/red clematis flower is one that grows on a trellis at the front of my house. The plant climbs along the trellis about 12 feet up the wall. It’s beautiful when it’s in bloom.
What’s blooming in your garden this month? Is your garden just gorgeous right now? I know I’m loving mine at this time because I have so many roses in bloom that whenever I walk outside all I smell is lovely old rose fragrance. It’s beautiful.
Your Octavia Hill Rose is indeed super pretty. I want to have that kind of rose on my garden rose. It will surely look perfect in my garden.
wow… those are very pretty pictures! I cant believe its from a Nokia N8. Btw, could you share your special alfalfa tea recipe? Might want to experiment with some old garden roses.
Really very pretty pictures! I like them. Keep it up.
Very good website blog, I enjoyed every post I love flower photography myself and good to see someone elses’ point of view on it. Thanks for all the tips!
Beautiful flowers which I know how to garden.
I use some local people to do yard care, once a year when it comes to summer. Due to where I am, if I fail to get the lawn looked over it becomes really compact and clay-like