As most people that read this blog know I’m an organic gardener. I don’t grow a lot of veggies in my garden, but I do take pride in knowing that what I grow is organic and thus all the healthier for my family.
When I’m out shopping I try to either buy organic products or products that have been produced with “green” means or sustainability in mind.
As the information above states most people probably don’t think about where their coffee comes from, or at least they didn’t a decade or so ago .. but that’s slowly changing. I’m happy to say that Green Mountain Coffee is fair trade coffee which means that it’s a quality products and the people who produce it are making fair wages, and the coffee is harvested ethically and sustainably.
I haven’t actually had a chance to try Green Mountain Coffee, but the next time I go shopping I’m going to look for it and pick some up if I find it. I’d certainly be interested in tasting it.
Have you tried Green Mountain Coffee? What did you think?
Not only is Free Trade important but also be sure to look for the Rainforest Alliance logo. This will ensure that harvesting of the coffee isn’t destroying rainforests. And Green Mountain coffee is very tasty! Cheers!
If you truly want “Fair Trade” coffee then buy Hawaiian coffee. Whether you buy popular Kona, Maui or less well known but great tasting Ka’u coffee, it is coming from the US, keeps the money in the US, helps US farmers and frankly is some of the best coffee in the world. Personally I chose not to sell K-Cups for several reasons. Taste, none of my farmers would ever sell to a big processor, age, all my coffees are roasted to order; coffee is best when fresh and price. You are paying $50 dollars a pound for a blend when you can spend $25 a pound for a freshly roasted 100% Kona.
I never really knew much about organic, or maybe I didn’t want to know.. but then I watched Food, Inc. and my world changed. We now grow all our own fruit and veggies. And being a HUGE coffee drinking I was happy to see this post. People rave over Starbucks, but they really aren’t a great company, not to mention all the empty cups in the trash.
I agree here with this new details on
Fair Trade Coffee – Better Quality for All – Healthier coffee is abetter choice – fair trade is all about the cheapest beans – mushroom coffee cares about the quality and non acidic of caffeine lowered… lols :0