I have to cut down my beautiful sunflowers! We got an official notice stating that the flowers in the boulevard are overgrown and must be cut down to 0.92 meters (3 feet) by September 12th. The notice doesn’t say what will happen if we don’t do it, but I’m sure it will be a fine of some sort.
I guess it’s because we let the sunflowers grow as they wanted – all over the boulevard instead of just a thick line of sunflowers this year. We also have one that’s grown to about 14 feet in height!
I could see the complaint if we were a house on a corner and or if all our neighbors used their driveways, but we’re the second house from the corner and we are the only people out of 8 houses on our block that actually uses our driveway! We don’t use our car much since we live close to work so it’s not like seeing around the sunflowers as we back out is a daily issue and it’s not that hard to see around them anyway. Grrrr.
Sorry I’m so behind on my Green Thumb Sunday post. We had our family reunion over the last five days and I really didn’t have any time to get my blogging done. All the guests are gone now so I should get back to normal blogging again. I hope! I’m very tired though.
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