Well I can’t say that my garden looks like that much right now, but some of the plants that have a dusting of snow look lovely.
The snow dusted branches above are from my rose Theresa Bugnet. It’s a very hardy rugosa type rose. It’s branches turn a deep crimson red in the winter and as you can see it looks lovely after a snow storm.
Dwarf Mugo Pine covered in snow
We have three dwarf mugo pine in the front walk between our neighbors house and ours (we live in a semi-detached house) and when it snows they get a lovely coating of snow too that stays on their branches often for a few days.
Can you tell that it snowed over the weekend?
Do you have photos of your garden in the off season? Perhaps snow covered plants or frosted flowers?
BTW my post is a bit late today because our internet and cable went down late last night and didn’t come back on again until an hour or two ago! Grrrr
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