I occasionally visit Ebay and check out the various items that are being sold there. Sometimes you can find some really good deals on garden ornaments, tools, and even solar or wired lighting for the garden.
I’ve only ever won a bid once! Luckily I just came across a software program called auction sniper that works by delivering bids to Ebay auctions at the last minute in a process called “snipping”. If I decide to use this software I’ll have a better chance of winning the auctions on items that I would really like to purchase.
The website offers a free 15 day trial of Bidnapper. If you enjoy bidding on auctions frequently you might be interested in purchasing a subscription with the company for as low as $6.95 per month or $46.95 for a years service. Subscriptions give you unlimited bidding for one, three, six or twelve months. Unlimited bidding means there are no restrictions on the number of bids you can place, or auctions you can win. Charges are not based on a percentage of your winning bid, as with other services.
Your username with be protected from searches by your competition, and you’ll be able to hold prices down by not bidding throughout the auction. You can even change or delete your bids without any hassle.
The dynamics of online auctions have been studied by University researchers in economics, mathematics, and physics, and the research has shown that experienced bidders who participate in “late bidding” are often successful in their attempts to secure auction items. If you’re an “Ebay Junkie” Bidnapper might be perfect for you.