Last Monday I went outside during the day to tidy up the garden and I noticed that there were bumble bees everywhere. The plants that they seemed to most enjoy were the balloon flowers and the raspberry plants. There must have been at least 50 bumble bees in my garden.
I’m allergic to bee stings, however I’m not overly fearful of the humble bumble bee. They seem to have fairly pleasant personalities. If I don’t bother them, it’s unlikely that they will bother me. The only time that I’m very cautious around them is in the evening. As any readers of this site knows, I tend to do a lot of my garden care in the evening. Well, that’s when the bumble bees take cover and decide to sleep on the underside of leaves or burrow into the ground for the night. Watering, dead heading or stupidly picking raspberries in the late evening can disturb them. So far I haven’t angered any of my dangerous little friends and I hope to keep it that way.
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