Yesterday I told you about how lightening puts free nitrogen in the air and that often after a good storm that includes lightening you’ll notice that your plants have grown.
Well, the storm that I was referring to occurred about about 4 a.m. on Thursday the 10th of May, and here it is the 11th of May and when I look out at my garden everything is a mass of green and or blooms.
I wish I had a before and after picture to show you of my messy garden. You see, I haven’t finished trimming, pruning and pulling out all the dead tangle of old plants that died off last fall so there’s lots of graying dead plant stems and leaves throughout half the garden. Up until today that was clearly visible in many areas of the garden but when I look outside today the lush green vegetation of the super charged plants are hiding a good portion of it.
I went out and took a photo at about 2 pm this afternoon .. you can see in the left flower bed that I still have a lot of work to do to make it look really nice … but the plants sure have grown in just one day.
What do you think?