Do you have security lights on your house?
If you do, when they go on do you happen to get up from what you’re doing to go and check what triggered the light?
I do.
I’ve got a security light at the side of the house in the driveway so if anyone or anything enters the driveway at the start of the house it will trigger the light. The sensor reaches to the end of the driveway too so if anything comes through the backyard to the driveway it clicks on.
The other security light is right at the back door. It’s sensor covers the end portion of the driveway, maybe the first third of the garden, and of course the area in front of the back door.
My husband installed these in our first couple of weeks in the house because he’s always been nervous about thieves. We did move into a fairly safe area though so I’m not quite as worried about that as he is.
I like the lights because if I happen to go into the yard at night I have light! I can see if there’s an animal lurking in the outskirts of the lights, and of course if I happen to be out there doing my late night watering the lights make me feel a little more secure.
When I’m inside the house, if I notice that one of the lights have gone on I’ll usually get up and take a look. Most of the time it’s a cat that’s wandered down the driveway or gotten into the backyard and triggered the light. Other times it’s raccoons.
I’ve yet to discover a human in my yard, but there was a guy who drank too much last year who got into our neighbors yard. I think he camped out in the yard for a while. Then he tried to break in to their shed and broke a bit of the fence as he did it or perhaps the fence broken when he tried to climb into our yard. I’m not sure. Anyway he did get into their shed and he stole their boys small bike.
Our neighbors now have a security light. Except they don’t have it set to automatically come on? Strange.
So, back to my question … do you look outside to see what’s out there when your security lights come on? If you do – what have you discovered?