How’s your garden doing?
My garden is quite prolific at the moment. I have 4 cherry tomato plants producing little red gems daily, and then there’s the cucumbers, I must have 4 that are just about ready to pick. My green beans are doing well too. Yummy fresh picked beans.
My tomato plants have still not produced any tomatoes, not even green ones. I started them late and I will never do that again. I’m pretty sure that I won’t get any tomatoes from them this year because they probably be green and just old enough to start ripening when it begins to get too cool for them.
The strawberries have continuously been pushing out crop after crop of berries, and the raspberries are producing their second round. I think I might make some pies and jams.
Almost all of the flowers are blooming. It would probably be easier to tell you what’s not blooming rather than what is. My four o clocks are finally blooming. They were slow to start up this year. I’ll have to make sure I collect some seeds from them this year so that I have fresh seeds for next year. I think the seeds I used this year were too old. I really love my white four o’clocks because they put out a scent very similar to jasmine. The garden is intoxicating when they are blooming in the evening. I’ve missed that most of this summer.
We did finally get some rain but there hasn’t been much so far. I’m hoping that we’ll get a few good showers soon.
Now tell me about your garden? What’s doing well and what’s doing poorly?