I’m starting to get tired of posting photos of previous seasons flowers. I want to post this years flowers. Too bad there’s none up yet!
On a positive note it’s been warming up here slightly and the snow is slowly receding. I think it will take another week before it’s mostly gone, but the end is in site. Well .. provided we don’t get anymore snow, that is!
The area where we grow our chives is in one of the sunniest spots in our garden and the snow melted away from that area as much as two weeks ago. I’ve been out in the yard with our puppy and I do believe there might be some signs of life on the Chive front.
Our crocus are planted in the lawn, often close to the garden beds, and some of the grassy areas near the house are bare now as well so I expect the crocus’ will begin showing up soon as well. Most years they are beginning to bloom by March 25th or so, but I think that it will take until next weekend before they make an appearance.
Even though I’ve spent the last couple months complaining about all the snow I do think there will be some benefits. The garden hasn’t ever had this much snow cover since we started it and I’m sure the plants ended up being well protected from the harsh cold of winter thanks to the deep snow. I’ll bet our plants do better than ever this season!
How are your gardens progressing?
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