It’s amazing how much everything in my garden has been growing this week.
I know for a fact that some of my plants have grown several inches in just three days. Perhaps it’s all the rain we’ve had in as many days that’s caused the accelerated growth or maybe it’s just because it’s finally warming up a to the temperatures that we’re supposed to have at this time of year – at least in the last day or two it has anyway .. I’m sure it will be freezing cold again soon.
During a break in the rain yesterday afternoon, when the sun was shining if you can believe that … I snuck outside with my camera and took a few pictures of some of the flowers that are in bloom.
Have a look at what’s blooming in my garden this week:
Blue Glories of the Snow
These are lovely flowers that grow in clumps. I have both Blue, White and Pink varieties. They make a nice addition to the spring garden beds.
Hellebore (Christmas Rose)
My Hellebores are just starting to bloom. Their flower blossoms are shy .. with their heads hanging down so you can’t see their pretty blooms very well at all.
Dwarf Iris
I usually don’t get to enjoy seeing the Dwarf Iris for very long because most years, once they make an appearance it often warms up and the flowers really seem to hate the heat so they wilt and die down quit quickly, but this year with it being a bit cooler than normal the dwarf Irises have been around for a little longer so I’ve had a chance to enjoy them.
Snow Drops
The Snow Drop is another flower that I usually don’t get much of a chance to enjoy. They usually bloom quite early … in early March sometimes and die down as it warms up. But this year we had snow for most of March so they didn’t come up through the snow and once they did come up I could see them and enjoy them.
What’s blooming in your garden this week?