Well, I missed Green Thumb Sunday yesterday. This is my main reason:
Yes, we got a puppy. She’s investigating some of the plants in the garden in this shot. As you can see we’ve had our first snow too.
Midnight is a Labrador Retriever pup and as you might already know Labs love to chew, chew, chew. I can only imagine what kind of challenges are ahead of me next spring and onward as far as keeping my garden intact!
That of course will be my goal. Keep the dog happy, but keep the garden looking nice too.
Luckily we have a number of nice parks in the area, as well as hiking trails and we aren’t too far from the beach. So … hopefully I’ll be able to keep the dog busy and happy in the various neighborhood parks and limit the damage that she might do to the garden.
Wish me luck!
BTW if you want to read more about Midnight and what happened after we brought her home early Saturday morning you can read about it at my other blog Tricia’s Musings.