I don’t know if you’ve noticed it yet, but across the top of the page under the header I have listed a number of what I feel are this sites important pages. Green Thumb Sunday, how to join the GTS list, A list of what I’m growing in my garden (just updated!), a contact form and now I’ve added the new Q&A page.
Every once in a while someone will decide to take a chance and they either leave a comment or contact me via email in order to ask me to help them identify some strange plant that’s growing in their yard or maybe they are writing to me to ask about a plant that’s not doing well in their garden or in their home.
I’m certainly not a master gardener, but I’ve been gardening since I was a young child and I’ve got a garden that’s chock full of a wide variety of plants, plus there’s a number of house plants in my home … certainly I can try to answer some questions.
As I suggested on the Q&A page – if you have a question for me about plant health, plant care or the identity of a mystery plant please feel free to leave a comment on that page and I’ll do some research and create a new post on this blog about the question.
If I can’t answer a question I’ll try to point the person towards resources that are sure to be helpful.
If you do have a question for me remember to try to give me a link to a picture of the plant in question. I may use the photo in a post (be aware). If you can’t point me towards a photo please do be as descriptive as possible as it will save me a bit of time researching the answer!
If you’re kind enough to send me your questions you’ll be helping me get more garden related content on this site. For the longest time I was doing pretty good about putting up new plant profiles and tips but that’s fallen off in the last few months. I’ll help you if you can help me.
Also, if you have a garden related event in your area and you’d like to get the word out feel free to tell me about it and if I feel it’s appropriate for this site I’d be happy to tell my readers all about it.
Send me your questions!