Last January, Toronto, Ashbridges Bay area, The Beach.
This was an snow and ice cave that the waves crashing onto the beach helped form.
See the snow? yeah, we actually had snow last year in January.
This year, there’s only been a scant amount that’s melted almost as soon as it’s fallen. What a difference! BTW this photo goes with the one I have on Tricia’s Musings today, that post has more info about our unseasonably warm winter- so far.
This weeks a little cooler. Actually it’s going to be cooler than it was even in December.
However it’s still no where near as cool as it normally is in January. That’s why I’m also posting a photo of a lovely purple Hyacinth for you today. I’m beginning to think that my spring flowers will come up in late February or March rather than April and May when they usually arrive.
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