In about a month or so my Hellebores will start to emerge from their long winter slumber. Along with the crocus’ and my chives the hellebores are often one of the first flowers to emerge each spring. This flower is sometimes called the Christmas rose because in some areas it will bloom in late December. In this area, or at least in my garden it emerges in March, but doesn’t usually bloom until April.
There are approximately 20 species of Helleborus. The flowers have five petals (sepals) surrounding a ring of small cup like nectaries. The sepals remain on the plant rather than fall off as petals would on most flowers. Sometimes the sepals remain on the plant for many months.
Unfortunately many helleborus are considered poisonous. Now that we have a puppy who will more than likely enjoy the backyard frequently we might have to get rid of our hellebores. Of course we always keep a careful eye on our pup and if by chance we can train her to stay out of the garden beds we might be able to keep some of our more risky plants, but I’m not sure I want to take that chance.
Do you grow Hellebores?
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