I have so many great photos of flowers and plants that I took last week that it was really hard to come up with just one for this weeks GTS.
These leafs are Canna Tropicana leaves. My cannas never did flower this year. It’s been a strange year for a few of my plants. It did however produce the colorful leaves that it’s known for and I think I can forgive the dear plant for not flowering since it has such vibrant leaves.
This photo is of a black Hollyhock.
My hollyhocks did well this summer. No rust on the leaves and as you can see they produced lovely flowers. This hollyhocks blooms are such a deep purplish red that they appear to be black. It’s blooms look as glossy and vibrant in the garden beside my ever producing raspberry bushes as they do in this photograph.
If you’d like to see one of the most gorgeous rose photos I’ve ever taken please stop by Breath of Life Photography. It’s a delight!
Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information.