I’m sorry that I missed Green Thumb Sunday.
I don’t know if any of you read my other blogs but I’ve had some major problems with my web host. Last Thursday they sent me an email telling me that they had moved my domains over to another server because something on my sites was over using the CPU resources on their servers.
I’ve spent the last several days going over all my sites, directories and folders, in order to try to figure out what might be causing the problem. Surely it isn’t purely because my sites are too busy?
I upgraded the software for 9 blogs and two websites. Yeah … that was a lot of work. That’s why I was missing in action.
To top it off on Sunday something went wrong with my main blog Tricia’s Musings and my web host disabled the index file so no one could access my site. We had a guest over for the weekend and Sunday was Canada Day so I didn’t even turn on my computer until the late afternoon. Naturally I almost had a heart attack when I saw that my site was disabled!
My sites are all updated and fixed up and I never did find out what was causing the problem. To the best of my knowledge my sites are still overusing resources. I may have to move them to a virtual private server.
So please forgive me for not posting any Green Thumb Sunday posts. It’s been a rough week.