This is a band that played in my back yard for my little sister Anne-Marie’s 16 birthday party.
The band consisted of Steve B (bass), John E (lead/rhythm guitar) Danny T (keyboards) and Eddie C (drums). These guys were very modest in their ability to play. They played a lot of the Cars to a “T”. They took a the simple and direct approach to their playing and it was a pure joy to listen to them.
They were my childhood friends that I jammed with them here and there, we mostly partied! The guitar player John is the person who I have known the longest. I knew Johnny since I was 4 yrs. old, really! his nick name was “e nhoj”, that’s John E spelled backwards, not a lot to do in Brantford during those formative years.
Anyways, he had made his own guitar in tech class and it was HUGE! The guy was a ladder with legs! He was the one who helped me learn how to ride a bike, he was the only one of my friends who was tall enough to hold me and the bike steady to push me off and hope like hell I went a couple of feet down the driveway, really! His hands were massive, he found that playing other guitars were too small and uncomfortable to play for long periods of time. So he decided to make his own guitar. His guitar neck was around 1-2 inches thick. When I played it, it made me fell like I had the hands of a 3 yr. old. I wish that back in 1975 we had the internet because the blog called “Building The Ergonomic Guitar” would have been valuable for him.
Then there was Stevie B, now that guy is a colourful character. The bass player. He still hangs around BIG JOHNNIE in the big city of Brantford or “droftnarb”, please try this out @ home with your name or someone else’s, it’s best played while heavily intoxicated! Steve is now a recording artist and transplanted bass player to guitarist. When I get the link to his site I will update it so you can hear his GREAT CHOPS!
The drummer Eddie was the drummer in that KISS tribute band that I played in. He took lessons and was in a polka band as well.
Dannie, on keys, played his faithful Farfisa keyboard, just loved that sound honestly I did!
Johnnie and Steve are coming up to our place on the Danforth to help install a “Tin Ceiling” in our living room on the weekend and HOPEFULLY will bring their axes! I might even attempt to record us in “intoxicated slur-round sound” and let you all get a laugh!
Chris P (sirhc p)
Scott, write to me now! I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for ever!
Keep on Jammin’ Myro!!!!