The Canadian Guitar Festival is something that I have wanted to go to for a while now. Below are some musicians who have been there in the past and hopefully they might nudge you into going this year if you can. I realize that having these many videos in a row looks odd but I am just trying to showcase a great show.
Keep on Jammin’
If you are really interested in going, this is an excerpt form an e-mail that was sent to me this morning about the camping arrangement. It really sounds like it is going to be a blast! Hope to see you there.
“The festival takes place on a 24 acre spread known as the Odessa Fairgrounds and the camping is on site. The camping is considered ‘dry’ with no running water or AC but is on the grass as it were..
We have showers on site, indoor washrooms and portable toilets placed in closer proximity to folks throughout the property.
A camping spot is guaranteed if you want one (given the space we have) but your site is what you choose when you choose it. There really are no bad spots. So when the tickets go on sale, all you need do is purchase a camping pass ticket for yourself and any other in your party over the age of twelve and you’re set for the weekend.
Del Vezeau
Vezco Productions Inc.
163 Main St
Odessa Ontario
Canada K0H 2H0
613-386-8879 fax
You gots a blog dude…
Nice collection of wack basses (the link in the email didn’t work so I did what any Inet veteran does and found it anyway…).
Cool…that’s right by our cottage! If you look at the highway detail map, up at the top by Colebrook…Varty Lake is where our cottage is.
So that’s great, hope to see ya there!
Do you know the campsite that it is held at? If so, where is the best place to put up our trailer in the camp ground, you know, a place out of the way so we can jam late into the evening without bothering too many fellow campers?
Big Johny, I do this for the little people!
Keep on Jammin’
Great vids. Those guys jam. The Guitar Festival is definitely on the list of things to do. Amazing!
I’m just trying to get the word out on some great Canadian musical events Patrick. I hope that this influences some peoples entertainment choices!