Ok good readership, it’s time for part II of Chris’s excellent adventure!
The day started off with great excitement! I was going to put plan II into effect.
I had brought my guitar to work to do a little practicing at lunch 1/2 hour before I went off to play in front of Mr. Max himself, Kim Mitchell, at the street level Q-107 booth in downtown Toronto. I was on the hunt for a little quiet jam room to hone my trade.
1st, the theatre (that’s how us Canucks spell it) room, damn it’s locked! Then off to the large conference room on the 4th floor, ah, somebodies in there! With broken heart, Larivee guitar and lunch in hand, I headed off to the old smoking area outside.
PERFECT, nobody there and it was nice and sheltered from the mid afternoon sun, with a little breeze to help unwind. I unlock the unbridled enthusiasm, and guitar out of my case and start jamming! This went on for awhile until I had to return back to work. At this point I said to myself, “bring it on!”.
My great boss Liz in the recovery room (oh lets not forget Jennifer), whom I am sure is reading this now, let me go a bit early that day for my inaugural stumble, I mean graceful leap onto the national radio scene!
I got home, put my tools of battle (or as Arlo Guthrie put it “instruments of destruction” from Alice’s Restaurant) in the car and off I went ready to conquer the world!
Parked the car, took my tools out of the trunk and headed off to the promised land! Got in front of the street level booth with heart and adrenalin just a racing and then … he swiveled around… slowly!
The look on his face was truly as sight to see. With raised eyebrows, he mouthed the words ” I don’t have any tickets left”.
Keep on Jammin’ (or in this case crying!!!)
Sucky…thought for sure someone would have hooked you up by now. Has to be someone out there reading this with a good heart. Help the man out!
Jimi, thanx sir!
Keep on Jammin’