Now that would be a sight or should I say sound to hear! I hope that they were all in tune. I wonder how far they got in the song?
Anyway, those crazy (and I mean that in a nice way) Germans just seem to love their hard rock and where the mullet seems to never have gone out of style.
They had 1802 guitarists, ranging from 6 to 80 years of age, play this tune simultaneously.
It happened on Saturday, June 25 2007, in the village of Leinfelden-Echterdingen in the German state of Baden-Württembergwonder. Makes one wonder what the previous record is. Well if you really want to know it was in June in Kansas City in the US, where 1,683 guitarists got down and riffed together.
The Deep Purple singer Ian Gillan was trying to take part in a live link-up from England, but was prevented from singing along by technical problems. Now that would have been cool to be there if they did get the glitch to work right.
If the record is not exceeded by September, the record will go into the Guinness Book of Records.
Keep on Jammin’
I remember when they tried to break the record on an aussie tv show, Hey Hey it’s saturday. It was when Deep Purple were out here, and Steve Morse was playing guitar for them. In the 90’s sometime. It sounded like a freakin train wreck!
If they were all in tune and in sync it would have sounded great to hear. If they were off, ouchie my poor ears! lol
Still I would have liked to seen it. I bet the atmosphere must have been awesome.
Well. I guess it’s better than all those people trying to breake the record in a sporano whistle. LOL!
At least it wasn’t some Slim Whitman song.
That’s a cool record to break, will it go down in the record books?
I hope so there Zune!
Keep on Jammin’
Hey, don’t knock Slim Barrow-Wight, he might be a real nice guy!
Just kiddin’!
keep on Jammin’
Laane, what the heck is a sporano whistle, do you have one of these things?
Enlighten us will ya?
Keep on Jammin’
Joana if they were out of tune, I hope that they were all tone deaf in the crowd!
Keep on Jammin’
When I saw Steve Morse with Deep Purple it was just unreal!
I myself think that they did a great job in getting him to play with them.
What song did they do that made you think that it was a train wreck there Digital Music Recording?
Keep on Jammin’
“What song did they do that made you think that it was a train wreck there Digital Music Recording?”
Sorry, my comment read a little confusing. The trainwreck was when Hey Hey Its Saturday tried to break the record for most people playing smoke on the water.
Deep purple were on the show and they were good.
The train wreck was the hundreds of people all trying to play the song at the same time.
Sorry Music guy, I was at fault on that one. I had just got back from work and I was exhausted!
When we saw Deep Purple my favorite tune was Highway Star! I just sat back and closed me eyes and it sounded as if someone was spinning the tune from a turn table, it was surreal.
Boy I wish that they were the band that played at our wedding. Imagine them doing the bird dance!
Keep on Jammin’