So what do you think of the new look of Guitar Licks?
I think it’s much better than the old look! When I created this blog my wife quickly picked out a theme and we realized fairly fast that we really didn’t like the look of the theme. Unfortunately I don’t do any of the design work. Tricia does all of that stuff. She’s been so busy with her other blogs that she just didn’t have time to get around to changing this theme. It’s always been on the list … but ya know, other things come up and a big job like this gets pushed aside.
Anyway, she worked all evening modifying a theme for this site. I like it.
Actually, I’ve never been to your blog so I didn’t see what it looks like before. But your present blog design looks fine. Yeah, it needs a little more drama.
It looks very nice! I liked the old one too. I love the deep green colors and the brown of the guitar. It makes for a rich looking blog. See ya in Vegas!
It’s great! Of course, Tricia is good at fixing blogs hah? *giggles*
Love the guitar pic and the blog look very neat and tidy, it’s easy to find my way around
Yep, she certainly has a good working knowledge of it now doesn’t she!
It looks great! I really like the layout.
Thanks for the compliment Lisa!
Keep on Jammin’
Car parts nanny, that is what I was thinking.
I will start playing around with the colours a bit more for better effect. My wife Tricia does this better then most people I know. She really has the knack for it.
Keep on Jammin’